Chapter 1
Sources of food
I. Tick the correct option
1) Which one of the following is not prepared from milk?
(a) butter
(b) cheese
(c) oil
(d) curd
2) The________ is an edible part of potato plant.
(a) leaf
(b) root
(c) stem
(d) fruit
3) We can sprout seed in ___________
(a) rocks
(b) water
(c) oil
(d) moist cloth
4) The sprouted seed contain more __________
(a) carbohydrates
(b) fats
(c) vitamins
(d) water
5) The edible part of the Apple plant is _________
(a) leaf
(b) root
(c) steam
(d) fruit
6) We eat a root of__________
(a) mustard
(b) rajma
(c) chilli
(d) radish
7) The color of the structural grown out from the sprout seeds is ___________
(a) black
(b) white
(c) red
(d) green
II. Match the following
Fill in the blank
1. We get sugar from sugarcane
2. We get milk from cow and buffalo
3. Honey bee stores honey in their hives
4. Water and rice are two ingredients of boiling rice
5. Animals that eat both plants product and flesh of other animals called omnivores
6. Bacteria and fungi are called decomposers
7. We should not waste food in any way
8. Honey bees are kept in apiaries for rearing
Very short Answer Questions
1) What are the animals that eat only plants and plant products called?
Ans: Herbivorous
2) Name four food items we get from animals
Ans: Milk, egg, ghee, curd
3) Name the two edible stems
Ans: Sugarcane, ginger
4) What are the materials needed to prepare food items called?
Ans: Ingredients
5) What is the rearing of honey bees on a large scale called?
Ans: apiculture
6) Name two plants whose flowers are eaten as Vegetables.
Ans: Cauliflower, banana flower.
Short answer questions
1. Why do we need food?
Ans: -> We need food to get energy so that we can work and play.
->Food protects us from diseases and helps us to be fit and healthy.
2. What are edible plants? Give the name of 1 plant whose edible part is the seed.
Ans: The part of the plant which can be eaten or called edible parts.
Wheat, rice
3. Honey bees work hard to collect nectar from flowers.
(i)Where is the nectar stored?
(ii)What value do you learn from honey bees?
Ans: (i) Flowers
(ii)Hard work and teamwork
4. How can food problem be solved? Give two ways
Ans: Food problems can be solved by the following basis
We should grow more food crops by using modern methods of farming.
We should not waste food in anyways.
5. How are scavengers and decomposers useful to us?
Ans. Scavengers and decomposers help us to keep the earth and clean.
6. What is food-chain? Give one example
Ans: The feeding relationships among organisms is called food-chain.
Example: grass, herbivore, carnivores, grass, grasshopper, frog, snake, eagle
Long answer questions
1. How will you sprout seeds?
Ans: -> Take some seeds of moong in a container filled with water and leave it for a day.
-> drain out the water completely.
-> Wrap the seeds in a piece of wet cotton cloth and set for a day.
-> The small white structure grows out of the seed that is sprout.
2. Distinguish between
(a) Herbivore and carnivore
(b)Scavengers and decomposers
Ans: (a) Herbivores:
Animals that eat only plants and plant products.
Eg: cows, goat, rabbits, sheep, deer
Animals that eat only the flesh of other animals
Eg: lion, tiger, eagles.
(b) Scavengers
The animals that eat the flesh of dead and decaying animals are called scavengers.
Eg: vultures, hyenas, jackals.
Some organisms feed on dead plants and animals and decompose them. These organisms are called decomposers.
Eg: fungi and bacteria.
Look at the delicious pizza shown in the figure an identify the source from
(a) Which its ingredients are obtained
Ans: Plants and animals
(b) Your mother makes food in the kitchen. Is she a producer? Why/Why not?
Ans: No, mother is not a producer because she depends on the products obtained from plants and animals to make food.