Although the India of Kim is no more, and the Grand Trunk Road is now a procession of trucks instead of slow-moving caravans of horses and camels, India is still a country in which people are easily lost and quickly forgotten.
Did you know that Delhi was half its present size in the 1940s and 50s? Can you imagine a Dehradun with lush greenery, and hardly any commercial places? Do you remember steam engines or have you ever sat in a train pulled by one? This book takes you back in time as Ruskin Bond relives his memories in timeless classics like ‘Summertime in Old Delhi, ‘Bhabiji’s House’, ‘My Father’s Trees in Dehra, creating as only he can, vignettes imbued with nostalgia. Add to these the punch of stories like ‘A Station for Scandal’, the thrill of ‘Picnic at Fox-Burn’ and the surprise twist of “The Eyes have It’ -and you have a story for every mood!
This collection of seventeen stories showcases Bond at his story-telling best.